Activists have established COP29 - Climate of Justice Initiative
As is known, the 29th session of the UN Global Conference on Climate Change (COP29 - Conference of the Parties) is scheduled for November 2024 in Azerbaijan. The 2-week conference will host tens of th...
READ MOREDialogue Platform does not reflect the will of the independent civil society in OGP
On September 21, 2016, 29 independent civil society representatives who are interested in the engagement of Open Government Partnership made a joint statement. A statement says: On September 9, 2016,...
READ MOREAzerbaijan is in 73rd place among 82 countries for its business environment
Which country is the best for doing business?Economist Intelligence Unit prepared its new report on “Business Environment Ranking” of 82 countries in the world. According to the report, the best coun...
READ MOREChanges will be made to the Law on “Expropriation of properties for state needs””
The President of Azerbaijan signed an order for making changes on the Law of “Expropriation of property for state needs”. According to the order, The Camber of Ministers, should prepare its recommend...
READ MOREAzerbaijan: the country heading the '47' should 'lead by example' on human rights
“By chairing the Committee of Ministers, member states should translate their commitment to values into action and champion the cause of human rights and democracy. This is a huge responsibility: succ...
READ MORESince early year oil production in Azerbaijan decreased by 200,000 tons
From January to April 2014 Azerbaijan extracted 14.1 million tons of oil and condensate, reported the Azerbaijan State Statistical Committee.According to the Committee, production of liquid hydrocarbo...
READ MORESOFAZ will buy debt securities of the Southern Gas Corridor project a worth of $917.32 million
Azerbaijan State Securities Committee has registered the issue of unsecured and nominal bonds of Southern Gas Corridor to the amount of $917,32 million reported the Baku Stock Exchange.9,173,208 bonds...
READ MOREState budget revenues and expenditures exceeded forecasts
According to the official information of the Ministry of Finance, the income of the state budget of Azerbaijan for the first quarter of 2014 was 4482,7 mln. manats, the expenditures were 4374,3 mln. m...
READ MOREIncreasing of Tuyey's share is expected in TANAP
The meeting between representatives of SOCAR and Turkey on the acquisition of an additional ten percent participation in the construction of the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP)will be held next m...
READ MOREWhat hinder the free trade in the Black Sea region?
Although Eastern neighbors of European Union possess huge economic potential, they have not yet achieved the complete removal of barriers that hinder the free movement of goods and services, capital a...
READ MORE2014-cü il dövlət büdcəsinə dair Milli Büdcə Qrupunun Rəyi
Dekabrın 11-də Milli Büdcə Qrupu 2014-cü il dövlət büdcəsinə dair rəyini ictimaiyyətə təqdim etdi.Tədbiri giriş sözü ilə açan Milli Büdcə Qrupunun İdarə Heyətinin üzvü Kənan Aslanlı qeyd etdi ki, 201...
READ MOREMülkiyyət hüquqları ilə bağlı gənc hüquqşunaslara təlim keçirilib
8-9 fevral 2014-cü il tarixində Azad İqtisadiyyata Yardım İctimai Birliyi Avropa İttifaqının Azərbaycan Nümayəndəliyi və Demokratiya naminə Milli Töhfə Fondunun dəstəyi ilə ‘’Maddə 29. Mülkiyyət hüqu...
READ MORE"Dövlət vəsaitləri üzərində kənar nəzarət” mövzusunda konfrans keçirilib
Yanvarın 17-də Azad İqtisadiyyata Yardım İctimai Birliyi tərəfdaşları Sahibkarlığın və Bazar İqtisadiyyatının İnkişafına Yardım Fondu,İqtisadi və Sosial İnkişaf Mərkəzi, İqtisadi Tədqiqatlar Mərkəzi v...